Donna Zilberfarb, has resided in Frelinghuysen for 21 years. A mother of three, she grew up in the area and began working for Frelinghuysen Township in 2007 as a secretary for the Open Space Committee.   Since then she has held a variety of positions, including secretary for the Farmland Preservation Committee and the Environmental Committee, as well as serving as Technical Assistant to the Construction Official.  She received her certification as a Township Recycling Coordinator in 2012.   She has also served as the Forestry Management Coordinator, Deputy Clerk, and Road Supervisor.  She received her Certified Municipal Registrar license in September 2015 and most recently received her Registered Municipal Clerk license in October 2017.

Donna Zilberfarb

Phone: (908) 852-4121
Fax: (908) 852-7621

Code of the Township of Frelinghuysen, NJ
The ordinances of the Township of Frelinghuysen adopted by the Township Committee.

Additional Resources